I get off my flight to Calgary which landed 10 minutes late, I rush as fast as I can to get across to the terminal to my connecting flight to Ottawa. Beyond my belief, I make it to the boarding gate with 5 minutes to spare, according to when my boarding pass says the plane is supposed to leave at 10:45. I walked up to my gate and the lady said the plane had already left, everything was ready to go early so the plane left. I was like well not all your passengers were here, so why would you leave early? I did not hear any announcements with my name saying the last boarding call. She said there was nothing I could do, I missed my flight and had to talk to the service desk. (P.S. The flight waited for my luggage but not me.) I wandered over to the service desk and of course, there was a line up a mile long because a flight to Los Cabos was cancelled and all these people needed info. I called my contact at work and told them what was happening, and that there was a chance I would miss my flight the next day and would let them know as soon as possible. They chuckled a little and they welcomed me to the world of flying…………. After 1.5 hrs. of waiting, I had moved about halfway down the line-up. I had a nice conversation with the couple in front of me who had their flight cancelled and the lady behind me who was trying to get to Grande Prairie. After 2.5 hrs. I made It to the service desk, and they got me a flight to Ottawa at 6:20 Calgary time. It was now 2:00
I left the desk and went and had something to eat and a couple drinks and then wandered over to my terminal and rested until my flight. The flight at 6:20 they got us all boarded and then told us that the pilot was late. We sat there for an hr. waiting for the pilot to arrive from a flight from Regina. The plane finally took off, for this flight I think they put the three biggest people they could in the same row, and I got the middle seat. Talk about claustrophobia, I had two bad moments where the plane was too hot, I couldn’t breathe, and I had to get up and wander around. The flight landed In Ottawa at 1:45 am. By the time I tracked down the luggage, it was 2:30 am. I did have a hotel room booked but my flight out of Ottawa was at 7am and I had to check in at 5 am for the flight so I decided to rest on a bench and wait for my flight.
I was rudely disrupted at 3:30 as a massive Sunwing flight was coming in to check-in. I was lying on a bench, around me there were other empty benches. I had my hat over my eyes, When I was hit by this elderly lady’s purse, she angrily said I was taking up the whole bench, and for me to get up so she could sit. I looked at her turned away and walked over to the next bench with my stuff. She got so many rude comments from others that she never even ended up sitting there. At that point, I gave up trying to sleep.
I checked in for my flight and grabbed a coffee, I had another conversation in line up, more people going to Mexico. I was able to get a seat on the plane with extra legroom. This was an older plane and was the roomiest flight I have ever been on. I could fully stretch my legs out. I had an aisle seat and a guy was sitting at the window and no one in the middle. The guy at the window seat was a window nazi though. When we went to land at Iqaluit, he would only open the window a crack so just he could look out of it. that is, until the flight attendant told him to open it as that is the procedure for landing but then he blocked the widow when I tried to take a picture. Some people right!!!! You are probably getting tired of listening to the flight stuff so I will say the rest of the flight went well. I landed in Kinngait at 1:30, I got picked up and they dropped me off at my place and told me to rest for the rest of the day. Which was nice I needed It. On the flight to Pangnirtung, I’m hoping I can get a picture of Iqaluit. As it looked quite amazing from the plane.
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